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Borderless Fog” (2024) Review
“Borderless Fog” is a gripping Indonesian crime thriller directed by Edwin. Set on the complex and politically charged island of Borneo, the film delves deep into themes of geopolitical conflict, ethnic violence, and human trafficking. The narrative follows Sanja, a city detective played by Putri Marino, who is sent to investigate a series of gruesome serial murders intertwined with local myths and regional conflicts.
The film is praised for its atmospheric tension and unsettling mystery. Sanja’s investigation is met with resistance from an incompetent and corrupt local police force, and she must navigate a landscape haunted by both literal and metaphorical ghosts. The character of Thomas, a local police officer of Dayak descent, highlights the theme of cultural and social displacement, adding depth to the story.
Edwin’s direction ensures that the film is not a straightforward thriller but a complex narrative that requires the audience’s full attention. The cinematography captures the dense, haunting jungles of Borneo, enhancing the film’s eerie and suspenseful mood. The film’s open-ended conclusion leaves viewers pondering the intertwined fates of the characters and the unresolved socio-political issues depicted.
Overall, “Borderless Fog” stands out for its intricate storytelling, strong performances, particularly by Putri Marino, and its ability to merge historical context with a contemporary crime narrative