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Treasure” (2024) is a Drama film directed by Julia von Heinz, featuring Lena Dunham and Stephen Fry. The movie centers on a father-daughter duo who travel to Poland to explore their family’s Holocaust history. Ruth (Dunham), an American journalist, hopes to learn about her roots, while her father, Edek (Fry), a Holocaust survivor, faces his traumatic past.
The film is praised for its emotional depth and strong performances, particularly highlighting the dynamic between Ruth and Edek. Stephen Fry’s portrayal of Edek is noted for its nuance, capturing his internal conflict and trauma . However, the film struggles with pacing and balance, sometimes feeling like it has two conflicting narratives: a Holocaust remembrance piece and a father-daughter drama .
Critics have pointed out the film’s lack of sympathy towards certain Polish characters and its somewhat forced dramatic elements, which can detract from its overall impact. Despite these criticisms, “Treasure” is seen as a poignant exploration of grief, survival, and the legacies of trauma.